EU STEM Education Project Posters

The ESERA 2019 conference will host a corner where posters concerning actual “EU STEM Education Projects” will be displayed for the whole week.
The aims of this exposition are to let the community know about recent EU projects, offer a chance to discuss about ongoing researches as well as to foster connections among the community for new future projects.
Lunch or coffee break time can be good informal moments along the whole week for having rich and fruitful exchanges at the “EU STEM Education Project Posters” corner.

ESERA project posters proposals must be submitted to by 31st January 2019 (24h00 Central European Time) at the latest by indicating in the title of the email: “Call for EU STEM Education Project Posters”.

Each proposal must contain the following information:
1. Title of the project
2. Contact information (Project Co-Ordinators Name and Affiliation; Project Website)
3. Short abstract about the project (maximum 600 words)

The list of posters that will be exposed during the conference will be published by the end of March 2019.

Each poster presentation prepared for the corner have to include a graphic presentation on visual display of size A0 (0.841m x 1.189m) in “portrait” format.

Questions and inquiries: